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Online Courses and Web Tutorial Harisystems

Online Courses | Web tutorial

Over these digital trending days, we are doing on research for the latest new upcoming technologies like python and data science, programming languages, database technologies, DevOps concepts, operating systems with all real-time concepts

Software Development
Over the years, Harisystems have enriched and optimized our system development lifecycle to arrive at a predictable process that allows terms to minimize risks and cut costs. We place a high value on transparency and extensive communication to make sure the needs and expectations of every client are met at 99.99%.

Web Application Development
Our web applications are marked by intelligence, scalable architecture that supports high-performance requirements and ease of management without compromising security. Harisystems frontend team tops it all off with an intuitive UX and a polished UI designed to keep your user's touch with you.

Mobile Application Development
We develop extensive applications that provide a thrilling experience for your users and bring tangible value to your business. Whether native, hybrid or cross-platform, our mobile development teams deliver solutions that run seamlessly on all major operating systems and thousands of various mobile devices.

Web Design | Digital Transform
About our digital transformation in the fact that technology, which is digital, allows people to solve their traditional work process to digital solutions. In our transformation stage means that digital usages inherently enable new types of innovation and creativity in a particular domain, rather than simply enhance and support traditional methods.

DataScience Programs like real-time examples will be discussed here

Covid-19 Analysis and Prediction

What is Data Science?

Data Science is a multi-disciplinary field that uses scientific methods, processes, algorithms and systems to extract knowledge and insights from structured and unstructured data.

COVID-19 - Analysis, Viz, Prediction & Comparisons

Corona Virus

Coronaviruses are zoonotic viruses (means transmitted between animals and people).

Symptoms include from fever, cough, respiratory symptoms, and breathing difficulties.

In severe cases, it can cause pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), kidney failure and even death. Coronaviruses are also asymptomatic, means a person can be a carrier for the infection but experiences no symptoms

Novel coronavirus (nCoV)

A novel coronavirus (nCoV) is a new strain that has not been previously identified in humans.

COVID-19 (Corona Virus Disease 2019)

Caused by a SARS-COV-2 coronavirus.

First identified in Wuhan, Hubei, China. Earliest reported symptoms reported in November 2019.

The first cases were linked to contact with the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market, which sold live animals.

On 30 January the WHO declared the outbreak to be a Public Health Emergency of International Concern

for the installation executing this data science program try to use an online notebook to have a great experience and performance of execution, result as well show below the page itself


to install for requiring to run data science analytics and charts

Installation methods

# install calmap calling this built-in module

! pip install calmap

#requre libraries we are going user for this program import

# essential libraries importing to work with as well

import json

import random

from urllib.request import urlopen

# storing and anaysis

import numpy as np

import pandas as pd

# visualization for data we are importing these libraries

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import seaborn as sns

import as px

import plotly.graph_objs as go

import plotly.figure_factory as ff

import calmap

import folium

# color pallette for coluring for beautification

cnf = '#393e46' # confirmed - grey

dth = '#ff2e63' # death - red

rec = '#21bf73' # recovered - cyan

act = '#fe9801' # active case - yellow

# converter for conversation

from pandas.plotting import register_matplotlib_converters


# hide warnings if any warning messages

import warnings


# html embedding to visualize data in HTML format like charts and tables

from IPython.display import Javascript

from IPython.core.display import display

from IPython.core.display import HTML

Dataset to use

# list files

# !ls ../input/corona-virus-report

# importing datasets

full_table = pd.read_csv('../input/corona-virus-report/covid_19_clean_complete.csv', parse_dates=['Date'])


Processing for data steps

Cleaning Data

# cases to prepare few i am prepared

cases = ['Confirmed', 'Deaths', 'Recovered', 'Active']

# Active Case = confirmed - deaths - recovered

full_table['Active'] = full_table['Confirmed'] - full_table['Deaths'] - full_table['Recovered']

# replacing Mainland china with just China

full_table['Country/Region'] = full_table['Country/Region'].replace('Mainland China', 'China')

# filling missing values

full_table[['Province/State']] = full_table[['Province/State']].fillna('')

full_table[cases] = full_table[cases].fillna(0)

Derived Tables from previous

# cases in the ships

ship = full_table[full_table['Province/State'].str.contains('Grand Princess')|full_table['Country/Region'].str.contains('Cruise Ship')]

# china and the row

china = full_table[full_table['Country/Region']=='China']

row = full_table[full_table['Country/Region']!='China']

# latest

full_latest = full_table[full_table['Date'] == max(full_table['Date'])].reset_index()

china_latest = full_latest[full_latest['Country/Region']=='China']

row_latest = full_latest[full_latest['Country/Region']!='China']

# latest condensed

full_latest_grouped = full_latest.groupby('Country/Region')['Confirmed', 'Deaths', 'Recovered', 'Active'].sum().reset_index()

china_latest_grouped = china_latest.groupby('Province/State')['Confirmed', 'Deaths', 'Recovered', 'Active'].sum().reset_index()

row_latest_grouped = row_latest.groupby('Country/Region')['Confirmed', 'Deaths', 'Recovered', 'Active'].sum().reset_index()

Latest Data as representing from analytic reports

Latest Complete Data

temp = full_table.groupby(['Country/Region', 'Province/State'])['Confirmed', 'Deaths', 'Recovered', 'Active'].max()


Latest Condensed Data

temp = full_table.groupby('Date')['Confirmed', 'Deaths', 'Recovered', 'Active'].sum().reset_index()

temp = temp[temp['Date']==max(temp['Date'])].reset_index(drop=True)'Pastel1')

tm = temp.melt(id_vars="Date", value_vars=['Active', 'Deaths', 'Recovered'])

fig = px.treemap(tm, path=["variable"], values="value", height=400, width=600, color_discrete_sequence=[rec, act, dth])

Country-wise Data as you may get from online for testing purpose

In each country

temp_f = full_latest_grouped.sort_values(by='Confirmed', ascending=False)

temp_f = temp_f.reset_index(drop=True)'Reds')

Countries with deaths reported

temp_flg = temp_f[temp_f['Deaths']>0][['Country/Region', 'Deaths']]

temp_flg.sort_values('Deaths', ascending=False).reset_index(drop=True).style.background_gradient(cmap='Reds')

Countries with no cases recovered

temp = temp_f[temp_f['Recovered']==0][['Country/Region', 'Confirmed', 'Deaths', 'Recovered']]


Countries with all cases died

temp = row_latest_grouped[row_latest_grouped['Confirmed']== row_latest_grouped['Deaths']]

temp = temp[['Country/Region', 'Confirmed', 'Deaths']]

temp = temp.sort_values('Confirmed', ascending=False)

temp = temp.reset_index(drop=True)'Reds')

Maps to identify the place effected

Across the world

# World wide

m = folium.Map(location=[0, 0], tiles='cartodbpositron', min_zoom=1, max_zoom=4, zoom_start=1)

for i in range(0, len(full_latest)):


location=[full_latest.iloc[i]['Lat'], full_latest.iloc[i]['Long']],


tooltip = '

Country : '+str(full_latest.iloc[i]['Country/Region'])+
Province : '+str(full_latest.iloc[i]['Province/State'])+
Confirmed : '+str(full_latest.iloc[i]['Confirmed'])+
Deaths : '+str(full_latest.iloc[i]['Deaths'])+
Recovered : '+str(full_latest.iloc[i]['Recovered']),
# Confirmed

fig = px.choropleth(full_latest_grouped, locations="Country/Region",
locationmode='country names', color="Confirmed",
hover_name="Country/Region", range_color=[1,7000],
title='Countries with Confirmed Cases')

Note: this is the tutorial is for education purpose of data science program for covid-19 treat as same

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